On this page
On this page
Click the names of icons to copy their HTML code to your clipboard. To learn more about how to use icons in each set, visit Guidelines for the icon element. The icon element's page also has more information about implementing icons.
Standard icons
5g -
acorn -
agile-integration -
agile -
ai-ml -
air-filter -
alert -
amp -
analysis -
anchor -
api -
app-mobile -
app-on-server -
app-secured -
app-unsecured -
app-update -
app -
apple-core -
apps-multiple-secured -
apps-multiple-unsecured -
apps-multiple -
architect -
architecture -
arrow-directional -
assigned-desk -
atm -
atom -
automation -
award-ribbon -
backlog -
backup-recovery -
bandage -
bank-safe -
bar-graph -
barn -
battery -
beaker -
beehive -
binoculars -
bird -
blank-space -
blog -
blood-drive -
blueprints -
boba-tea -
book -
bookmark -
books-multiple -
bottle-plastic -
box -
boxing-glove -
brain -
british-pound-decreasing -
british-pound-increasing -
british-pound -
bucket -
bug -
burndown-chart -
butterfly -
cactus -
calculator -
calendar -
camera -
candle -
capitol-building -
car-insurance -
carrot -
cart -
case-study -
catalog -
celebration -
ceo-businessleader -
certification -
check -
checkbox-blank -
checkbox-checked -
checkbox-indeterminate -
checklist -
cheeseburger -
cio-itdm -
circuit -
city -
click -
clipboard-checklist -
clock -
cloud-automation -
cloud-deploy -
cloud-inspect -
cloud-migration -
cloud-native-development -
cloud-private -
cloud-secured -
cloud-services -
cloud-unsecured -
cloud-update -
cloud -
cluster -
coaxial-cable -
code -
coffee-beans -
collaboration -
combustible -
command-line -
community-culture -
community-people -
compass -
completed-product -
confidential -
container-image -
container-microservice -
container-private -
container-registry -
container-secured -
container-unsecured -
container -
containerized-app -
control-panel -
conversation -
covered-dish -
crab -
crawl-arrow -
credit-card -
cricket-bats -
cross-functional-collaboration -
cross -
cup -
data-connections -
data -
datacenter -
ddr-memory -
deployed-model -
developer -
development-model -
devops -
digital-assessment -
digital-standup -
digital-transformation -
disc -
dishes -
dishwasher -
disruption -
dollar-sign-decreasing -
dollar-sign-increasing -
dollar-sign -
donut -
download -
drone -
ear -
ebook -
edge -
electrical-bolt -
electrical-plug -
elevator -
email -
embedded -
emergency-aed -
employee-badge -
envelope-manilla -
envelope -
erlenmeyer-flask -
escalator-down -
escalator-up -
euro-decreasing -
euro-increasing -
euro -
everything-as-a-service -
face-mask -
farm-tools -
fast-forward -
filter -
fingerprint -
fire-extinguisher -
firewall-a -
fish -
flag -
flight-helmet -
flowchart -
folder -
freezer -
game-controller -
game-plan -
game-streaming -
gateway -
gear-group -
gear -
gift-box -
glass-bottle -
globe-abstract -
globe -
government -
gpu -
graduation-cap -
graph-exponential-down -
graph-exponential-up -
graph-line-up -
graph-pie -
graph-steady-down -
graph-steady-up -
hand-closed -
hand-fan -
hand-open -
hand-pointing -
hand-sanitizer -
hand-thumbs-up -
hand-waving -
handshake -
harvey-ball-0 -
harvey-ball-10 -
harvey-ball-100 -
harvey-ball-20 -
harvey-ball-25 -
harvey-ball-30 -
harvey-ball-33 -
harvey-ball-40 -
harvey-ball-50 -
harvey-ball-60 -
harvey-ball-66 -
harvey-ball-70 -
harvey-ball-75 -
harvey-ball-80 -
harvey-ball-90 -
hat -
headphones -
heart-monitor -
heart -
hierarchy -
hiking-backpack -
home -
hourglass -
hybrid-cloud-infrastructure -
hypervisor -
import -
industry -
info -
install -
instructor -
insurance -
interoperability -
invoice-british-pound -
invoice-dollar-sign -
invoice-euro -
invoice-yen -
it-modernization -
it-optimization -
joystick-controller -
kanban -
key -
keyboard -
kite -
koala-admin -
koala-kiosk -
kubernetes-pod -
laptop-alert -
laptop-video-call -
laptop-webinar -
laptop -
layered -
lifecycle -
lifevest -
light-bulb -
lighthouse -
link-broken -
link -
location-pin -
locker-assigned -
locker-day-use -
locker -
luggage -
lungs -
magnifying-glass -
mailbox -
mainframe -
management-and-automation -
management -
map -
maze -
megaphone -
merge -
metal-can -
microphone -
microservices -
migration -
minimum-viable-product -
mobile-associate -
mobile-devices -
mobile-payment-british-pound -
mobile-payment-dollar -
mobile-payment-euro -
mobile-payment-yen -
mobius-loop -
model-registry -
money-stack -
money -
monitor-blank -
mountains -
mouse -
mug -
multi-cloud -
multiply -
mushroom -
music-note -
music-streaming -
neighborhood -
network-automation -
newspaper -
no-drink -
no-food -
no-smoking -
no -
non-combustible -
noodle-bowl -
north-star -
notepad -
objects-phone-mobile -
office -
oil-and-gas -
online-collaboration -
open-source -
operations -
operator -
orchestration -
origami -
padlock-locked -
padlock-unlocked -
paint-roller -
paper-blank -
paper-clip -
paper-lined -
paper-stack-blank -
paper-stack-lined -
pass-through -
password-a -
path -
pause -
pen-tool -
pen -
pencil -
pet-paw-print -
phone -
piggy-bank -
planning -
platform -
play -
podium-presentation -
power -
pricetag -
printer-copier -
product-trial -
progression-linear -
progression -
puzzle-piece -
quantum-computing -
question-mark -
quotemark-close -
quotemark-open -
rainbow -
recycle -
refrigerator -
registered-model -
reminder -
remote-associate -
report -
restrooms -
reusable-bag -
rewind -
ribbon -
robot -
robotic-arm -
rockstar -
router-load-balancer-virtual -
router-load-balancer -
rugby-ball -
run-arrow -
run-pipeline -
run-shoe -
safety-goggles -
save -
scalable -
scale-growing -
scale-shrinking -
scale-unbalanced -
scales-of-justice -
school -
secured -
security-camera -
server-secured -
server-stack-secured -
server-stack-unsecured -
server-stack -
server-unsecured -
server -
serverless -
share -
shared-workspace -
shark-fin -
shield -
shoe -
shower -
simplify -
single-sign-on -
single-use-workspace -
smartwatch -
snowflake -
solar-power -
soup-can -
space-capsule -
space-satellite -
spray-bottle -
stairs -
standup -
star -
stock-market-down -
stock-market-up -
stopwatch -
storage-classes -
storage-stack -
storage -
subscription -
sun -
supplemental -
support -
survey-rating -
sustainability -
sustainable-energy -
sustainable-power -
sys-admin -
tablet -
talk-bubble -
tape-measure -
target -
telco-cloud -
telecommunications -
test-tube -
thermometer-cold -
thermometer-hot -
thought-bubble -
toolbox -
touchdown-area -
trail-signage -
trashcan -
tree -
trophy -
tropical-drink -
tshirt -
umbrella -
unsecured -
update -
upload -
usb-flash-drive -
user-story -
user -
utensils -
venn-diagram -
video-streaming -
video -
view -
virtual-collaboration -
virtual-server-secured -
virtual-server-stack-secured -
virtual-server-stack-unsecured -
virtual-server-stack -
virtual-server-unsecured -
virtual-server -
virtual-storage-stack -
virtual-storage -
volume-mute -
volume-up -
volumetric-flask -
vulnerability -
walk-arrow -
walk-shoe -
water-droplet -
waveform -
webhooks -
website-system -
website -
wheelchair-accessible -
wifi -
wind-power -
wind -
wrench -
yen-decreasing -
yen-increasing -
yen -
UI icons
add-circle-fill -
add-circle -
add -
analyze-fill -
analyze -
application-fill -
application -
applications-fill -
applications -
arrow-circle-down-fill -
arrow-circle-down -
arrow-circle-left-fill -
arrow-circle-left -
arrow-circle-right-fill -
arrow-circle-right -
arrow-circle-up-fill -
arrow-circle-up -
arrow-down -
arrow-left -
arrow-right -
arrow-up -
assessment-fill -
assessment -
auto-light-dark-mode-fill -
auto-light-dark-mode -
backup -
backwards -
ban-fill -
ban -
blueprint-fill -
blueprint -
branch-fill -
branch -
bug-fill -
bug -
build-fill -
build -
call-fill -
call -
car-fill -
car -
card-payment-fill -
card-payment -
caret-down-fill -
caret-down -
caret-left-fill -
caret-left -
caret-right-fill -
caret-right -
caret-up-fill -
caret-up -
check-circle-fill -
check-circle -
check -
checkup-fill -
checkup -
circuit-fill -
circuit -
clock-fill -
clock -
close-circle-fill -
close-circle -
close -
cloud-download-fill -
cloud-download -
cloud-edge-fill -
cloud-edge -
cloud-fill -
cloud-upload-fill -
cloud-upload -
cloud -
code -
collection-fill -
collection -
combine-fill -
combine -
comment-fill -
comment -
compare-fill -
compare -
compress -
connected-fill -
connected -
construction-fill -
construction -
controls -
copy-fill -
copy -
cubes-fill -
cubes -
dark-mode-fill -
dark-mode -
data -
decreasing-fill -
decreasing -
desktop-fill -
desktop -
disconnected -
dislike-fill -
dislike -
distribute -
document-fill -
document -
double-caret-down-fill -
double-caret-down -
double-caret-left-fill -
double-caret-left -
double-caret-right-fill -
double-caret-right -
double-caret-up-fill -
double-caret-up -
download -
duplicate-fill -
duplicate -
edit-fill -
edit -
electricity-fill -
electricity -
ellipsis-horizontal-fill -
ellipsis-horizontal -
ellipsis-vertical-fill -
ellipsis-vertical -
embed-fill -
embed -
enhancement-fill -
enhancement -
error-fill -
error -
ethernet-fill -
ethernet -
expand -
experimental -
export-fill -
export -
external-link-fill -
external-link -
filter-fill -
filter -
flag-fill -
flag -
folder-fill -
folder -
forward -
government-fill -
government -
graduation-fill -
graduation -
grip-horizontal-fill -
grip-horizontal -
grip-vertical-fill -
grip-vertical -
harvey-ball-0 -
harvey-ball-10 -
harvey-ball-100 -
harvey-ball-20 -
harvey-ball-25 -
harvey-ball-30 -
harvey-ball-33 -
harvey-ball-40 -
harvey-ball-50 -
harvey-ball-60 -
harvey-ball-66 -
harvey-ball-70 -
harvey-ball-75 -
harvey-ball-80 -
harvey-ball-90 -
harvey-ball-lower-50 -
harvey-ball-upper-50 -
history -
home-fill -
home -
hourglass -
hybrid-cloud-fill -
hybrid-cloud -
in-progress -
increasing-fill -
increasing -
information-fill -
information -
insight-fill -
insight -
install-fill -
install -
key-fill -
key -
lab-fill -
lab -
language-fill -
language -
light-mode-fill -
light-mode -
like-fill -
like -
link-broken -
link -
liquid-fill -
liquid -
list -
lock-fill -
lock -
long-arrow-down -
long-arrow-left -
long-arrow-right -
long-arrow-up -
loop -
mail-fill -
mail -
manufacturing-fill -
manufacturing -
menu-bars -
migrate -
minus-circle-fill -
minus-circle -
minus -
mute-fill -
mute -
new-fill -
new -
notification-active-fill -
notification-active -
notification-fill -
notification -
off-fill -
off -
pause-circle-fill -
pause-circle -
pause-fill -
pause -
pending -
pie-chart-fill -
pie-chart -
platform-fill -
platform -
play-circle-fill -
play-circle -
play-fill -
play -
print-fill -
print -
profile-fill -
profile -
publish -
puzzle-piece-fill -
puzzle-piece -
question-mark-circle-fill -
question-mark-circle -
question-mark -
redo -
refresh -
resource-fill -
resource -
resources-almost-empty -
resources-almost-full -
resources-empty -
resources-full -
rss-fill -
rss -
search -
secured-fill -
secured -
security-advisory-fill -
security-advisory -
security-fill -
security -
server-fill -
server-stack-fill -
server-stack -
server-upload-fill -
server-upload -
server -
settings-fill -
settings -
share-fill -
share -
sort-down-large-to-small -
sort-down-small-to-large -
sort-up-large-to-small -
sort-up-small-to-large -
star-fill -
star -
storage-fill -
storage -
swap-right-left -
swap-up-down -
switcher-menu -
sync -
table-fill -
table -
tag-fill -
tag -
topology-fill -
topology -
trash-fill -
trash -
travel-fill -
travel -
truck-fill -
truck -
undo -
unknown-fill -
unknown -
unlock-fill -
unlock -
unsecured-fill -
unsecured -
upload -
users-fill -
users -
view-fill -
view-off-fill -
view-off -
view -
virtual-server-fill -
virtual-server -
volume-down-fill -
volume-down -
volume-up-fill -
volume-up -
warning-fill -
warning -
window-fill -
arrow-down -
arrow-left -
arrow-right -
arrow-up -
caret-down-fill -
caret-down -
caret-left-fill -
caret-left -
caret-right-fill -
caret-right -
caret-up-fill -
caret-up -
checkbox-complete-fill -
checkbox-complete -
checkbox-incomplete -
checkmark -
close -
external-link -
Social icons
email-square -
email -
facebook-square -
facebook -
flickr-square -
flickr -
github-square -
github -
google-square -
google -
instagram-square -
instagram -
linkedin-square -
linkedin -
messenger-square -
messenger -
microsoft-square -
microsoft -
rss-square -
rss -
stackoverflow-square -
stackoverflow -
threads-square -
threads -
twitch-square -
twitch -
wechat-square -
wechat -
weibo-square -
weibo -
whatsapp-square -
whatsapp -
x-square -
x -
youtube-square -
Other libraries
To learn more about our other libraries, visit this page.
To give feedback about anything on this page, contact us.
Other libraries
To learn more about our other libraries, visit the getting started page.